Speed of Light – the second coin from the series Code of the Future

     Speed of Light is a symbol of human struggle with the forces of nature and attempts to their classification and harnessing. This is the basis for the famous Einstein’s theory of relativity and any foundation of contemporary physics. The compilation of methods of measuring the speed of light took up several decades and the final physical constant has been established as c = 299 792 458 m/s.

The scientists are still – unsuccessfully – trying to discover the matter which would move faster than the speed of light. However, if this ever happens, all the basics of well-known physics will collapse.

On the reverse side of the silver two-ounce coin there has been captured scorched light in vacuum, which is where it reaches its greatest speed. The colourful rays of light coming from the tunnel are the most important part of the project. Between them, there is a writing “speed of light” and a physical constant assigned to this phenomenon, which is "299792458 m/s". The obverse side of the coin is completely covered in a flash of light on which the fixed elements have been placed, such as the image of the Queen Elisabeth II, denomination, type and assay of metal, country and year of mintage. Above the figure of the Queen, there is also the name of the series: “Code of the Future”.

The obverse and reverse sides of the coin, along with the interestingly designed certificate, constitute a harmonious whole, which is undoubtedly a worthy continuator of the first coin from the series. “Artificial Intelligence” has gained recognition from the collectors all over the world and its volume has been sold out.










Author: Anita Jaworska